Hey there first time being part of a jam on itch.io! 
Learned a lot during this Jam. I'm sorry that the main menu, level selector (and multiple levels) & SFX, didn't quite make the cut. I have a bit more learning to do with this Engine, but it was a fun adventure to try and beat the Jam deadline by a few minutes.

Appreciate all feedback. Sorry it's only one level, I started the Jam late and had to learn how to set a lot of new stuff, this is my first game made in Gdevelop with Physics 2.0. Will keep at it once the Jam voting period is over as new updates are not allowed to be made after the submission period. 

Art and UI by me.
Font: Barlow from Google Fonts: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Barlow

Published 21 days ago
StatusIn development

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